MCNP/TRIPOLI-4 comparison oracle

There are a few tools to test the equivalence of an MCNP geometry and a TRIPOLI-4 geometry.

The main tool is called oracle and performs the equivalence tests. It writes a test report to standard output and a list of points that failed the test to an output file. The output file can subsequently be loaded in TRIPOLI-4’s visualization tool T4G to get a graphical view of the problematic regions. oracle is mainly used as a verification tool for t4_geom_convert, but it can be used in other contexts, too.

When two geometries are found not to be equivalent, sometimes it is difficult to understand why. A helper tool called explainT4 can be used to automate part of the task of figuring out what went wrong.


Two geometries are considered to be equivalent if points with the same coordinates are associated to the same material in both geometries, with the possible exception of points within some user-defined tolerance from a geometrical boundary (surface). Note that this definition does not involve cells (volumes), but only materials.

The main idea of the oracle tool is to use a PTRAC file produced by MCNP as a collection of results of queries to the MCNP geometry; the PTRAC file contains information about which material was seen at different locations. The advantage of using a PTRAC file is that you do not need to have access to the MCNP source files in order to query the MCNP geometry.

While a similar strategy could in principle be used to query the TRIPOLI-4 geometry, too, for the moment we have decided to use the TRIPOLI-4 geometry API directly. It is possible however to envisage that the oracle tool may be decoupled from TRIPOLI-4 and generalized to other geometry engines and transport codes in the future.

How do we know if the material that we find in the MCNP geometry is the same as the one that we find in TRIPOLI-4? By default, the oracle only checks the material names. The TRIPOLI-4 materials are expected to follow the same naming convention as those produced by t4_geom_convert. Specifically, if the MCNP material m5 appears in a cell with a density of -2.32, the corresponding TRIPOLI-4 material should be called m5_-2.32. There is a flag (-g) that changes this behavior.


You will need the following software to compile the comparison:

  • CMake >=3.2

  • a recent version of TRIPOLI-4 (sources included) and its prerequisites

You will also need an MCNP executable to run meaningful tests.


All the tools are written in C++.

First, you need to compile TRIPOLI-4 using the CMake build:

$ mkdir /path/to/build-t4 /path/to/install-t4
$ cd /path/to/build-t4
$ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install-t4 /path/to/tripoli4-sources
$ make && make install

Once TRIPOLI-4 has been installed, you can compile this package:

$ mkdir /path/to/build-oracle
$ cd /path/to/build-oracle
$ cmake -DT4_DIR=/path/to/install-t4/share/cmake /path/to/t4_geom_convert/Oracle
$ make

If all went well, you should find an oracle and an explainT4 executable in your build directory.


In order to compare a TRIPOLI-4 and an MCNP geometry, you will need:

  • the TRIPOLI-4 input file containing the description of the geometry (say geometry.t4);

  • the MCNP input file (say geometry.mcnp)

Preparing the PTRAC file

The first thing to do is to modify the MCNP input file to generate a suitable PTRAC file.

  1. Comment out the source cards (SDEF and friends). Add a new source that covers the portion of the geometry that you would like to test (possibly all of it). The type and energy of the source particles do not matter: the following cards, for instance, produce 14-MeV neutrons in the box -10 < x < 1700, -575 < y < 575, -1460 < z < 1810:

    sdef  pos=0 0 0  x=d1  y=d2  z=d3  erg=14
    si1   -10   1700
    sp1   0     1
    si2   -575  575
    sp2   0     1
    si3   -1460 1810
    sp3   0     1

    To speed things up, you may want to kill particles right below the source energy:

    cut:n  j  13.9999

    The PTRAC card should look something like this:

    ptrac  file=bin event=src max=-1000000

    Both binary (file=bin) and ASCII (file=asc) PTRAC file formats are supported by the oracle, but binary files are recommended (they do not drop any precision on the point coordinates, reducing the number of false positives). The number of events to be written (max) can be adjusted; just make sure that you adjust the number of source particles accordingly (nps card).

  2. Run MCNP on the modified input file.

Running the oracle

Let us assume the name of the PTRAC file is geometry.ptrac. Run the oracle as follows:

$ /path/to/oracle geometry.t4 geometry.mcnp geometry.ptrac

This will run the equivalence tests on the points in the PTRAC file. For each point:

  • If the same material was found in the TRIPOLI-4 and MCNP geometry, the point is counted as SUCCESSFUL.

  • If materials are different but the point was within some tolerance distance from one of the volume boundaries, the point is counted as IGNORED.

  • If the materials are different but the point was not within the specified tolerance, the point is counted as FAILED.

  • If the point did not fall inside the TRIPOLI-4 geometry, it is counted as OUTSIDE.

At the end of the run, you will get a report that looks like this:

Reporting on MCNP/T4 geometry comparison
Number of SAMPLED points : 10000
Number of SUCCESSFUL     : 9978 -> 99.78%
Number of FAILED         : 12 -> 0.12%
Number of IGNORED        : 4 -> 0.04%
Number of OUTSIDE        : 6 -> 0.06%
Number of COVERED volumes: 270
Number of INPUT   volumes: 84699
Average distance to surface for FAILED points: 6.41229e-6
Maximum distance to surface for FAILED points: 1.44246e-5
Elapsed time: 1.30655s
Time per point: 0.000130642s

Additional statistics are produced for the number of distinct TRIPOLI-4 volumes that were actually seen by the test, the number of total TRIPOLI-4 volumes in the input file (including FICTIVE volumes, though), the average and maximum distance from a volume boundary for failed points and the elapsed time.

The oracle will also produce three output files, called geometry.failedpoints.dat, geometry.failedpoints.general and geometry.points, which can be used to view the location of the points that failed the equivalence test in T4G.

Useful command-line options

Both the oracle and explainT4 executables support the -h option for help:

$ /path/to/oracle -h
 *** MCNP / Tripoli-4 geometry comparison ***


  Compare MCNP and T4 geometries check that they are weakly equivalent.
  A point is assumed to match by checking the name of the composition at
  that point in each geometry.

        oracle [options] jdd.t4 jdd.inp ptrac

        jdd.t4 .........................A TRIPOLI-4 input file converted from MCNP INP file.
        jdd.inp ........................The MCNP INP file that was used for the conversion.
        ptrac ..........................The MCNP PTRAC file corresponding to the INP file.

        -V, --verbose ..................Increase output verbosity.
        -h, --help .....................Displays this help message.
        -n, --npts .....................Maximum number of tested points.
        -d, --delta ....................Distance to the nearest surface below which a failed test is ignored.
        -g, --guess-material-assocs ....guess the materials correspondence based on the first few points
        --binary,---ascii ..............Specify the format of the MCNP PTRAC file

Useful options for the oracle executable include:

  • -V: increase the verbosity.

  • -n NPOINTS: limits the test run to NPOINTS points. There is no limit by default.

  • -d DELTA: specifies the geometrical tolerance for ignoring mismatched materials near surfaces. Points that are within a distance DELTA from a volume boundary will be ignored for the purpose of counting the number of failed points. Default: DELTA=1e-7.

  • --binary (default), --ascii: these options specify the format of the PTRAC file.

  • -g: lets oracle guess the mapping between MCNP and TRIPOLI-4 materials, instead of assuming t4_geom_convert‘s naming convention. The correspondence will be deduced on the fly: every time a new material is seen on the MCNP side, it is assumed that the material seen on the TRIPOLI-4 side is the corresponding one. Subsequent occurrences of the same MCNP materials will be checked against the TRIPOLI-4 material seen on the first point.

Known bugs and limitations

The oracle needs to do some rudimentary parsing of the MCNP input file. The parser is not very robust and may choke on unusual spacing, line continuations, etc.